South African Visa

Passports and Visas

Every visitor to South Africa must have a valid passport.

  • Passengers travelling to South Africa must be in possession of a passport with two unused pages required for endorsements.
    The two unused pages when presented for purposes of endorsing a port of entry visa, visa, permanent residence permit, or entry of departure stamp.
  • The passport must be machine readable however, the foreigner may be admitted into or depart from South Africa with a non-machine-readable passport provided that:
    ○ He or she is from a foreign country that is issuing machine readable passports and has not completely phased out the non-machine-readable       passports; and
    ○ Passports must be valid for at least 6 months after your intended date of departure.

Find out if you need a South African Visa

Passport holders from more than 80 countries, including USA, Canada, UK, Japan, and the EU can visit South Africa without a visa. A list of countries that currently do not require a visa can be found at the South African Government website.

Visa requirements to enter South Africa

Information regarding visas can be obtained from your travel agent or the South African diplomatic or consular representative in your area. Delegates requiring visas, and who intend taking tours to neighbouring Southern African countries, are advised to secure a multiple entry visa. Tourists must satisfy immigration officers that they have the means of support for the duration of their stay in the country and return /onward tickets.

Visas cannot be obtained on arrival.

Click here to view the visa requirements to enter South Africa.

Visa Inquiries

For visa inquiries or to request an invitation letter, please contact:

Ms Leanne Armoogam, Registration Project Manager at Turners Conferences via email at